News 46-23

HB Branch News -- Sunday 19 November -- Week 46, 2023

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Calendar of Coming Events 

(in the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings
unless stated otherwise)

  • TODAY:Sunday 19 November
                Taikura School Fete: 10 am to 3 pm
                Rudolf Steiner Centre will have an Open Day**
  • Open to visitors from 10 am to 3 pm

**Open Day @ Rudolf Steiner Centre

Art Classes

10.15am Saskia Stein

Play with Clay


11.15am Sonja Lethbridge

Slice of Heaven (Cutting)


12.15pm Eva Steinmetz - Urieli

What are you like today? (Watercolour)


1.15pm Amanda Sowersby

Connect Through Creativity (Pastels)


$5 per person for materials

Please register with Angela Hair

Everyone welcome

Steiner Library open


Christmas Foundation Meeting centenary

Michael Burton in Auckland has sent the Branch this article about the Christmas Foundation Meeting centenary. The article can be found also in the latest New View. Many people around the world are at this time seeking to commemorate this in ways that will allow it to fulfil its untapped potential and bring spiritual and cultural renewal to this suffering world. Michael hopes the article can help people comprehend the great significance of what is taking place.   Link


3+day Conference in the Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School
from the evening of 26 December

A year after the calamity of the burning of the wooden Goetheanum, Rudolf Steiner re-founded the Anthroposophical Society to unite all the previously regional societies in a Christmas Foundation Meeting in Dornach during the last week of 1923.  During this event many seeds were laid that we can draw strength from in these times.

In this three-day event we will explore the meaning of the Christmas Foundation Meeting, how it is important to us today and how it can become a part of our lives.

Poster   Details


Threefold Social Order

(Some thoughts by Robin Bacchus, who is preparing some talks on this theme)

After the first World War Rudolf Steiner commented that much of the social unrest that contributed to the start of the War arose because national states were considered to be a single order operating under a democratic principle.

But the democratic principle is only healthy for a part of Society – the legal-political sector.  Rudolf Steiner proposed that society should be considered tripartite.

  • A Cultural Sector that focuses on the health, education of individuals, individual expression through the arts and individual religious belief.  Merit, ability, talent is not equally applied.  Here Freedom (Liberty, Independence) is the appropriate operating principle.  Know Thyself.
  • A Legal-Political Sector that focuses on fairness in personal relationships as regards Rights, Obligations and Responsibilities.  Also universal human rights.  The relationship may be between seller and buyer; employer and employee; practitioner and client; law-enforcer and criminal; judge and accused; husband and wife.  Here Equality is the appropriate operating principle.  Here Democracy has its true place. All votes are equal - votes (political influence) cannot be purchased by economic might.  Justice must be equally applied.  Rights can’t be bought and sold.  Love one another.
  • An Economic Sector that focuses on the needs of others – production, distribution and consumption of commodities: goods and services – created by human transformation of natural resources.  Human talents developed in the Cultural realm are now put to work.  Here Teamwork, collaboration (Fraternity) is the appropriate operating principle.  Do unto others ….

Posted: Thu 30 Nov 2023
