News 4-24Anthroposophy in Hawkes Bay Sunday 28 January Week 4-24 Note from the Editor: The Anthroposophical Society has a number of Sections related to members activities. I have introduced some Sections to the Newsletter for which I invite contributions from readers. Send to by 2pm on Saturday for inclusion the following day. Coming Events Calendar of Coming Events (in the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings
Reports of Recent Events Contributions invited. Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy "The fact that Anthroposophy expresses a different world-view from that of physics, need not mean that it must therefore be unscientific. The Anthroposophical findings only come from a different source – from being awake in spiritual realms. In the same way that you have to grope about in the dark and feel your way about if there is no light in a room but you get a totally different impression once the room it is filled with light, the spiritual researcher also sees everything in a new light when his spiritual eyes are opened. This person has not suddenly become less scientific just because his experiences have been enriched by a broader view. The logic of the Anthroposophist is just as valid as the logic of the physicist. It only transpires in another region. Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 52 – Spirituelle Seelenlehre und Weltbetrachtung (Spiritual Soul Teaching and World View) – Berlin, 6 October 1904 Reader Contributions, Reviews, Reflections, Comments Contributions invited. Health, Medicine and Therapy Contributions invited. Education and Pedagogy Contributions invited. Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Contributions invited. The Arts Contributions invited. Threefolding Weekend Workshop on Threefolding Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 February Starting each day at 9:00 am ending 4:15 pm Some details: Approximately: Four 75 minute sessions each day of presentations, discussion and artistic work.
Themes will include:
Artistic activities: please bring coloured pencils, pens, pastels, chalk. Paper of various sizes will be supplied. Several blackboards are available. A data Projector is available if anyone wishes to use a computer to present photos, slides, Powerpoints, etc. Social sharing: please bring food for sharing at breaks and Lunch. Coffee and tea will be supplied. Costs: A Koha of $10 per day is expected whether you attend one session or four. Warmly and sincerely, Robin Bacchus 022-398 2805 Some books on Threefolding:
In addition to writing The Threefold Social Order, in which he presented his ideas for social renewal, Steiner also gave lecture courses on the topic that year, including:
By others
Community Notices Contributions invited.
Posted: Thu 18 Jan 2024 |
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