Sunday 26 MayAnthroposophy in Hawkes BayNewsletter 21-24 Calendar of Coming Events-- Diary Dates In the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings (** see below for more details.)
From Astrid Pook To the Members and Friends receiving this newsletter – In the National Conference of our Society on 4th and 5th May, we have had a wonderful opportunity to renew our inner belonging to the impulse of anthroposophy. It was a feast of new aspects and truths to be learnt... and esp. also of meeting so many of our friends from all over the country, and above all, to dedicate our focus to the Foundation Stone Meditation. When opening our hearts to this deeply nourishing and sutaining verse Rudolf Steiner has given us all for now and the future, it is important to remember also the context in which it was given: it was for laying the Foundation of the Refounding of our Society... and the sole reason for this refounding – and why we have received this gift is given in the inspiring series of letters to the members: ‘The Life, Nature and Cultivation of Anthroposopy’*. There Rudolf Steiner states that the Society needed to be renewed to give the members a forum for meeting together. This need for meeting together and the content of these meetings in branches of the Society, its responsibility towards anthroposophy itself and the attitude to be cultivated in the branch life was the theme of these letters. There is no Foundation Stone without something to be founded, and that something, namely the Society as a whole in its branches – not just the leadership and the Sections of the Society – needs to be strenthened and wants our commitment for this life to be able to be sustained into the future. Here is a verse which Rudolf Steiner wrote into the guest book of the Rietmann Family in St. Gallen on the 12th April 1923: Es bedarf der Mensch der innern Treue, The human being has need of inner faithfulness, Transl.: Julian Pook. Wouldn’t it we wonderful to do this verse and others in eurythmy together, to open our weekly Branch Meetings at the Rudolf Steiner Centre in Hastings.? With warm regards,, Astrid. QUOTE "Living Concepts" "Spiritual science cannot hand people something which, once assimilated, is enough for the rest of life. I have often pointed out that there exists no short summary of a world view which can be kept at hand in one’s pocket. In place of ready formulas, science of the spirit provides something with which the human soul must repeatedly unite itself, which must be repeatedly inwardly assimilated and digested. External truths such as those provided by natural science we can, if we have a good memory, take in and then possess them once and for all. That is not possible with spiritual-scientific truths, the reason being that the truths of natural science are lifeless concepts. The laws of nature are dead once they have been formulated into concepts, whereas spiritual-scientific truths are living concepts; if we condemn them to lifelessness because we accept them as if they were external truths, then they provide no nourishment; then they are stones the soul cannot digest." Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 176 – Aspects of Human Evolution – Lecture VIII – 24 July 1917, Berlin Editor: Robin Bacchus
Posted: Tue 21 May 2024 |
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