Room Bookings

Book the use of a room at the Rudolf Steiner Centre in Hastings. 

To hire the full Centre please email us.

Members please log in first to get your discounted rate for bookings.

Extra information for bookings:

  • Separate transactions are required for the same room. It is not possible to book the same room for different sessions in the same booking transaction.  If you wish to make a series of bookings, please contact the Treasurer: email-  or 022-398 2805 for discount rates.  Have ready information on: which Room(s); number of bookings in series; first and last date; starting time; duration (hours) allowing for preparation setup and clear-up.
  • Checkout payment options. There is no payment gateway on the website. All bookings must be paid for by way of internet banking. 
    • The first option will give you the details to make an immediate payment and acknowledge it to complete the booking. You will have to go to your banking app to make the payment.
    • The second option will send you an invoice with the payment details. Use this option if you are making more than one booking and wish to pay for them all in one transaction.
  • Making a booking online is acknowledgement that you accept the Terms and Conditions listed below.
  • Here is a little video I have made room booking Anthrohb website - YouTube

  • Art Room / Small Group
    Book rental of Art Room for art sessions or for a small group session.
    NZ$ 15.00 hourly
  • Main Room
    Book rental of Main Room of Rudolf Steiner Centre, Hastings
    Discount available for halfday, fullday, and weekly sequences in term time. Contact
    NZ$ 30.00 hourly
  • Consult Room / One to One
    Book rental of small room off the foyer for one to one consultations or private use by single person.
    NZ$ 12.00 hourly

Terms and Conditions of Casual Hire

  • Hawkes Bay Branch of Anthroposophical Society in NZ (HBBASNZ) acts solely as the renter of the venue. 
  •  All external parties are required to have the qualifications and insurance for all activities that they conduct at Rudolf Steiner Centre. 
  •  HBBASNZ has no responsibility for injuries or loss of property. 
  •  Please adhere to the times of your booking. Be mindful of others using the room before and after you.
  • Use of kitchen facilities is for drink and food preparation and includes use of crockery and cutlery etc. The hirer must provide his/her own food and beverages, tea, coffee etc. There is a 'Smoke-free, Vape-free, alcohol-free' policy in place for the property. 
  •  The room hired and any public area used must be left as it was found and all rubbish removed if there is no bin available in the room. All food or food waste must be removed from within the building.  Council general rubbish bin can be found outside the front door and council recycling bins are located outside  in porch at the west end of the building.
  •  Parking is limited on the property. Street parking is available but often requires a bit of a walk during office hours.
  •  Please exercise awareness with the use of sound; any music must be appropriate.  The venue must be vacated by 11:30 pm in the evening. 
  •  Please ensure all heating is off and windows and doors are secured and locked upon departure.
  • Please report any problems immediately to the Committee Rental Officer: 
  •  All hirers are liable for any damage that occurs at Rudolf Steiner Centre during the time of rental and will be invoiced accordingly. 
  •  Payment: Casual Room Hire must be paid in full before the date of hire by bank deposit (no eftpos available).  Invoices are sent out to all hirers at the time of booking on the website.