Information SheetRudolf Steiner Centre Hastings Information Sheet Trustees: John Daniel Jackson from 30/5/2019 Property: The property 500Nelson Street North, Hastings and the RS Centre building is owned by the Hawkes Bay Branch of the Anthroposophical Society in New Zealand, Registered Charity CC30527. The Role of the Committee: The Hawke's Bay Branch Committee is assigned overall responsibility for the Centre, including:
The Motto of Social Ethic It is only healthy Outwardly: Threefold structure of Society And when, in each community Inwardly: Loving recognition of our fellow human beings. Rudolf Steiner Committee membership for 2023 is: Robyn Hewetson Chair 021-217 8688 Robin Bacchus Treasurer 022-398 2805 John Jackson Festivals 022 122 8002 Angela Hair Secretary 027-443 6737 Mike Caris Events 021-153 8720 The committee usually meets monthly – on a Thursday from 5:30 to 6:30pm. Responsibilities:
Activities Regular activities presently happening at the Rudolf Steiner Centre include:
Rooms are hired by several groups including:
Website A weekly newsletter is published every Sunday and can be read at Coming events are listed under What's happening - Anthroposophy in Hawkes Bay ( Library catalogues are also available so you can peruse the several thousand volumes that can be borrowed:
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