Sunday 2 JuneAnthroposophy in Hawkes BayNewsletter 22-24 Calendar of Coming Events-- Diary Dates In the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings (** see below for more details.)
A series of seven fortnightly evenings for the public of Hawkes Bay. Each evening will have a talk, and opportunity for questions, discussion and sharing - dedicated to discovering Rudolf Steiner’s ANTHROPOSOPHY, the way of thinking and perceiving the world that lies behind the Steiner/Waldorf education of Taikura School, the Inclusive Social Development of Hohepa, Biodynamic farming and gardening, the adult education courses of Taruna College, Anthroposophical Nursing and Healthcare, Weleda medicines and the theology of the Christian Community at Rangimarie. There are a smorgasbord of possible questions to explore:
Robin Bacchus will be the facilitator. The first evening will be on Friday 7 June from 7 to 9pm Further evenings will be held on Fridays fortnightly: A L L W E L C O M E Hot Water Cyclinder A few weeks ago the Centre's quite old hot water cylinder 'burst' and flooded the broom cupboard below it. Luckily the vaccuum cleaner survived the drenching and is working again. The committee considered some alternatives, such as having one or more instant hotwater devices for the three taps that previously had hot water. However the devices are quite expensive and would require new plumbing and new heavy duty electrical wiring into maybe three rooms. In the end we decided to replace the 180 litre cylinder with one half the size [it is no longer a dwelling with people having showers]. Adequate wiring and existing plumbing are fine. However we had to create a high door to remove the old cylinder and put in the new one. To meet current regulations a spill tray had to be inserted and the tempering valve above it had to be replaced. For all this, the bill was still quite hefty - $4,854. We would be grateful if members could quite soon make their annual contribution to the Branch, for which notices were sent out recently. 38-9016-0511420-00 ARISTOTLE’S 10 Rules for a Good Life From Nicomachean Ethics [from a pre-Christian time]
Still quite valid, I think, even after 2,500 years! Editor: Robin Bacchus If you have somrthing to share or announce, please contact me:
Posted: Sat 01 Jun 2024 |
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