Sunday 30 June

Anthroposophy in Hawkes Bay

Newsletter 26-24                     

Calendar of Coming Events-- Diary Dates

In the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings
unless stated otherwise.

(** see below for more details.)

  • Wednesdays 3, 10, 17, 24 July.  7pm. Conversations on the Foundation Stone Meditation 
  • Friday 5 July 7pm. Talk by Dr Richard Drexel: "The Developing Child"
  • Saturday 6 July 9:30 to noon, School of Spiritual Science, mantra 16
  • Sunday 7 July 7pm. Festival for the Dead.
  • Friday 19 July. (deferred from 5 July) 7 pm.  "The Essence of Steiner Education -   an introduction to the Anthroposophy of Dr. Rudolf Steiner." led by Robin Bacchus   
       #3: "Life forces and Learning".  All those who are curious are welcome.
  • Friday 2 August. 7 pm.  "The Essence of Steiner Education -
       an introduction to the Anthroposophy of Dr. Rudolf Steiner." led by Robin Bacchus    
       #4: "Human and Cosmic rhythms".  All those who are curious are welcome.
  • Saturday 10 August.  ASNZ Society Day and AGM in the Rudolf Steiner Centre, Hastings.

Foundation Stone Meditation Series

Starting Wednesday 3 July, 7pm at the Centre

This meditation has a connection with the first Goetheanum.  During our conversation on the meditation, I will show pictures relating to the construction and artistic completion of this building.  I will try and connect this with parts of the foundation stone meditation.

I will be bringing copies of the text with me for participants.

  Christopher Bacchus

Madonna Mid-Winter special on SATURDAY  July 6th.

Join me at my studio for  a viewing of the MADONNA SERIES 

I will be accompanying the images with lyre music and an artistic exercise.

THE Madonna series is a sequence of paintings by Raphael  sculptures by Donatello and Michelangelo put together by Rudolf Steiner as a healing /well-being  experience .  Come along and have your experience.  Love to see you there.

msg Margaret-Mary Farr to enrol on 027-2484193 or email

Payment :   KOHA

Time: 1.00-3.15 pm

Saturday July 6th.



Posted: Sun 30 Jun 2024
