News 34: 25 AugustAnthroposophy in Hawkes BayNewsletter 34-24 for Sunday 25 August 2024 Calendar of Coming Events-- Diary Dates In the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings
Contents: 1. Livng on the Pathway towards Death Living on the Pathway towards Death
Welcome to the first of three sessions which are on consecutive Sundays. TODAY, Sunday, 25th August, at 5.00 p.m. Forum with Anthroposophical Nurses "We would like to explore the journey of life that brings us into relationship with dying and death. As nurses we are committed to supporting the life forces towards wellness, yet often we are involved with helping recognise end of life care changes, supporting transitions and shedding light on this journey of many possibilities. We work in relationship to the person we care for, their family whanau and friends. Our practical work in this journey can involve whomever the person and family wishes. We have a range of substances we can use, and an understanding of how to transition through these changes in our inner and outer worlds. We are interested in opening a dialogue in our community this Sunday afternoon." This forum will be preceded with soup for everyone. (A koha would be appreciated) ************** Session 2 is next week - Sunday, 1st September at 3.00 p.m..(Note the starting time ) Caring for Others at the End of Life - exploring the role of the end-of-life doula, with Georgina Langdale. Georgina helps people navigate life transitions, including the end of life. Inspired by Nature and wisdom of the mystics, she describes her work as ‘earth medicine for the soul’. Published author, artist, reiki master, plant medicine maker, and ordained interfaith minister, Georgina teaches internationally. Before returning to New Zealand in 2011, she worked in the arts, global conversation initiatives, and for the Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew. She founded her company Archeus in 2013 and is currently on a sabbatical from her coaching and guidance work while working on her next book. Following discussions, there will be hot soup for everyone. ***** Session 3 Sunday, 8th September, 3.00p.m. When I Die and Caring for Others at the End of Life Details about this next week. Bernie Raichle Diana Bacchus ************************************************** Knowing Reality
INVITATION Hastings ‘Knowing Reality’ Seminar Friday 13th September 7.30 pm talk and Saturday 14th September, 9 am – 5 pm seminar. Anthroposophy is a way of knowing, not just a body of knowledge. Ian Trousdell is offering a Saturday seminar teaching how to safely research the higher dimensions of reality that Rudolf Steiner called the etheric, astral and spiritual worlds. These methods are similar to those Dr. Steiner used, as indicated by him in various ways. He described the seven ascending stages of the anthroposophical path which leads the individual spirit to discover itself within the universal spirit, as moving from the study of anthroposophical concepts through to developing the intuitive capacities of Imagination, Inspiration and Greater Intuition after which three more stages evolve within the spiritual worlds. During the Saturday seminar we will learn how to experience these intuitive capacities directly and practice how to use them to enhance our work in the world. On the Friday evening, Ian will introduce the topic of spiritual research and how to merge with the inner life and being of things in the world around you to know their reality and answer your questions about them through direct experience. Ian has conducted seminars for over 800 people in China, England and NZ after decades of inner work and practice. He has also worked with spiritual scientists in Europe, developing various research techniques. For further information or to register, please email Ian at Recommended fee for the Friday talk, $10 and for the day-long seminar, $100. ************************************ Philosophy of Freedom Online CourseAt the ASNZ AGM, Stella Hamilton Baker spoke about an online course, based on Philosophy of Freedom, which she and Matthias found very helpful in coming to grips with this work by Rudolf Steiner. This course is translated into 10 languages and was attended by 1,000 people worldwide. Each week there was a card for contemplation relating to a chapter of the book plus a monthly letter talking about the last cards that had been studied. There was a monthly zoom meeting then participants could divide into chat groups with others in their region. A new course intake is beginning in September. For further information contact Andreas Schmitt
Posted: Tue 20 Aug 2024 |
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