News 50-23

HB Branch News -- Sunday 17 December -- Week 50, 2023

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Calendar of Coming Events 
(in the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings

unless stated otherwise)


  • Friday 22 December 7pm.  Summer Festival
  • Sunday 31 December 7:00 pm. Celebrating 100 years since the re-founding of the General Anthroposophical Society and the Foundation Stone verse.
  • Tuesday 9 to Thursday 11 January 2024. 3-day Eurythmy Workshop at Taruna.
  • Weekend 24-5 February. 2-day Workshop on Threefold Social Order*
  • Saturday 16 March 2 pm.  Annual General Meeting.


The lawns at the centre are regularly mown by a team from Hohepa, but they have a break over Christmas/New Year.

Their last mowing will be on 21 December and the first in the new year will be on 8 January. 

We would be grateful if there  is someone who could volunteer to give the lawns a trim over the weekend 30/31 December. 
If you can, please tell Robyn Hewetson 021-2178688.


The Christmas Foundation Meeting in 1923.

Rudolf Steiner spoke about the spiritual intentions behind this meeting in a lecture on 18 January 1924.

“The foundation of the General Anthroposophical Society at the Christmas gathering cannot have its fulfilment in what was done or witnessed by the members while the meeting lasted.  Its real substance will only come into existence if, in the future, everywhere, those who are devoted to Anthroposophy can feel the coming of fresh anthroposophical life, as they give effect to its intentions." 


There will be a gathering in the Centre on New Year's Eve to reflect on this meeting and ponder the Foundation Stone Mediation at 7:00 pm.  More details next week.


*Threefold Social Order

(Some further thoughts by Robin Bacchus.)

There will be a weekend workshop on the theme of “Threefold Social Order” over 24/5 February.  I would appreciate contact from those who may be interested in participating or contributing. 

Rudolf Steiner: “Our highest endeavour must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. The need for imagination, a sense of truth, and a feeling of responsibility—these three forces are the very nerve of education.”

We need Education Towards Freedom, for people educated in such a way will bring more new, creative impulses into society than those who have been trained merely to be factory workers and pass exams.

Since Rudolf Steiner’s time – in the last 100 years – the Economic sector has become much more global, and international corporations have become very large and powerful.  Automated machinery and robots have taken over much of the work of factory workers, and the financial proceeds of production have thus been shared with fewer and fewer people – all the profits go to the oligarchy.



Legal / Rights



Work relationships

Creating Commodities

Resources, Investment, Talents, Technical Skills, Organisational Ability, Machinery and Plant; Identifying needs to be met by, or mission of Team / Organisation.

Rights, Obligations, Responsibilities, Relationships,
Equitable Remuneration of team members.

Deploying resources, talent and teamwork in creating Products, manufacturing goods or providing services to meet perceived needs of the populace.






In a number of Corporations, the profits from creating saleable commodities go wholly or largely to the Entrepreneur, CEO and Shareholders and little or none to the workers or others in the team / organisation / factory.

When a ‘worker’ sells his labour for an hourly wage, his remuneration has no relation the whole team’s productivity.  There is no stimulus to creativity.

Imagine a remuneration agreement, made in a Rights Sector body which ruled that the remuneration of the CEO was limited to x7 that of the average full-time worker in his/her organisation.

Google research of “Ratio of CEO's pay to average [not lowest] worker's pay” revealed these country averages, which have grown hugely in the last few decades, reaching:

  • In USA                x 265
  • In UK                  x 201
  • In China              x 127
  • In NZ                   x  18

Highest in NZ: Fletchers Building x 88

These kinds of ratios are becoming entrenched!

Rudolf Steiner characterises the role of the Economic sector as ‘meeting the needs of others” not “enriching the CEO.”

What is adequate remuneration?  The ‘Living Wage’ that enables a person to live adequately until his next pay day. 

If an individual craftsperson cannot sell what he is producing, then he is in the wrong job – there are not enough people needing what he creates.

Maybe there needs to be another basis for remuneration or income for the general populace? 

If you have some thoughts, please share to 



Posted: Sat 16 Dec 2023
