News 1-24

HB Branch News -- Sunday 7 January -- Week 1, 2024

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We wish all readers a fresh perspective for the year 2024.

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Calendar of Coming Events 

(in the Rudolf Steiner Centre, 401 Whitehead Road, Hastings unless stated otherwise)

  • Tuesday 9 to Thursday 11 January. 3-day Eurythmy Workshop at Taruna.
  • Thursday 11 January 7:00 pm. “Embryology, pt2” Dr Richard Drexel
  • Friday 12 January 7 pm. Friday Group. Read p37 of Leading Thoughts “Understanding of the Spirit: Conscious Experience of Destiny” then Leading Thought # 62 to 65.
  • Weekend 24-5 February. 2-day Workshop (9am to 4:15 pm) on Threefold Social Order.
  • Saturday 16 March 2 pm.  Annual General Meeting.

 Embryology 2

       Speaker: Dr Richard Drexel


 7.00pm, Thursday 11th January

Anthroposophical Centre

Cnr Nelson Street and Whitehead Rd 

This talk organised by Eurythmy Aotearoa Eurythmy Training is open to all who are interested in gaining deeper insight and understanding of the beginnings of human life.

This lecture builds on one given in September 2023.

We look forward to seeing you there. 

Entrance $20

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Knowledge and Feelings

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 88 – Über die astrale Welt und das Devachan – Berlin, October 28, 1903

“It is not for nothing and not without purpose that the anthroposophical movement has drawn people’s attention to the invisible worlds, which people are part of, to which we are constantly sending what emanates from us.  You cannot speak a word or form a thought without feelings flowing into the room.  Just as our actions affect space, so do our feelings; they permeate space and influence people and the entire astral world. 

Under normal circumstances, man is unaware that there is a flow of influences emanating from him, that he is a cause whose effects are perceptible all over the world.  He is unaware that he can also cause harm by sending streams of pleasure and pain, of passions and urges into the world, which can have the most harmful effects on other people.

Man is unaware of what he brings about with his emotional life.  Our knowledge is not destined for a purposeless existence; it is not there just to know, it is not there for its own sake.  In Western science, it has become a fancy phrase that knowledge exists for its own sake.  Anyone who delves into Eastern wisdom will find something other than knowledge for knowledge’s sake.  He knows that knowledge is about being active in the world in the spirit of this knowledge.  We get to know the physical world in order not to act in physical nature as if in chaos.  And we get to know the higher nature in order to consciously work in this higher nature.  Anyone who knows and masters this higher nature learns to work in it consciously; he learns to control his thoughts and not to let them work randomly, but to control them; he learns to control his emotional life, to regulate his emotional life in such a way that it has an ennobling effect on the environment in the most ideal sense.”

Posted: Sun 07 Jan 2024
